Io Dionysos

I will care for my body as though it were the most precious thing on Earth,

for it is your temple.

I will care for my heart as though it were the most precious thing on Earth,

for through it I receive your Ecstasy.

I will care for my mind, as though it were the most precious thing on Earth,

for through it I understand you.

I will care for my spirit, as though it were the most precious thing on Earth,

for in it I am one with you.

I will obey you in all things.

I do not ask you for followers or students or temples full of worshipers. I ask you only for yourself, for my passion is for you.

I will teach you to dance without shame.

I will teach you to love without fear.

I will teach you the joy of falling without promise of safe landing.

I am terrified.

You should be.

I am not worthy of you.

That is not for you to say. That judgment is mine alone.

I am yours.

You always were.

About Ashley Sarver

Ashley Sarver is a queer, nonbinary trans femme, polytheist, gamer, and disability caregiver living in the San Francisco Bay Area. View all posts by Ashley Sarver

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